Contact & departments

Director's Office

Phone: 0921 / 55 - 3402, - 3403

Fax: 0921 / 55 3442

Postal Address (Letters)

Universität Bayreuth
95440 Bayreuth

Delivery Address (Parcels)

Universität Bayreuth
Universitätsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth


You can find information on opening hours and contact details of the individual libraries here.

Departments / Contact Persons

Head Office

Director Ralf Brugbauer
Deputy Director Stephanie Herzog
Assistant to the Director (Controlling, Statistics) Ute Roth
Secretary Sabine Strömsdörfer
Department A 11 of the Marco Dorsch
University Adminstration Sabine Strömsdörfer

Subject Specialists

African studies, English, Media Studies, Social and Cultural Anthropology Benedikt Winkhart
Arabic Studies, Classics, General Studies in Linguistics & Literature, Roman Languages and Literature, Slavic Studies, Philosophy, Study of Religion Heike Ochs
Arts, General Studies, Music and Theater Studies, Political Sciences, Sociology Dr. Anna Katharina Winkler 
German Studies, History
Merle Marie Schütte
Law, Sports, Sports Medicine Nina Pelka
Applied Natural Sciences, Earth Sciences Clemens Engelhardt
Biology, Psychology Dr. Birgit Regenfuß
Chemistry, Educational Science
Stephanie Herzog
Computer Science, Mathematics
Frank Martens
Physics Bernhard Vogt 
Economics Robert Günther