Alternative ways for finding and obtaining journal articles

Library catalogues and databases are not the only access points for literature research. Search engines like Google Scholar may provide useful results as well. But especially these results often lead to paid content. Offers by online publishers, which are licensed by the University Library Bayreuth, are accessible on campus or via VPN and proxy from off campus.
The full text (PDF etc.) of an article is not available? When you search in a database and you cannot access the full text, you can use the SFX Button to check whether access is possible via another platform or to order the article directly via interlibrary loan.


In case, this is not possible, there are other possibilities to obtain the requested article:

Verhalten in der Biblitohek

Find online versions of articles which are free of charge.

Use printed versions.

Use academic networks and personal contacts.

Ask a librarian.

The team of the information desk in the Main Library is happy to assist you in obtaining articles.

Use fee-based delivery services.

Apart from free of charge document delivery services, there are many commercial offers from libraries and publishers:

Provide your own publication open access.