Books & e-books

Are you looking for printed or electronic books? Would you like to borrow respectively access them? You may find one of the following starting points useful. Please refer to our site “Doing your literature search" for tips regarding topical search and finding effective search terms.

Our Library Catalogue provides a uniform interface for searching the collection of Bayreuth University Library (and other libraries). You can collect printed books directly from the shelves or order them via the Library Catalogue, depending on whether they are in our open access shelves or kept in our closed stacks. Books that are ordered via the Catalogue will be transferred to your preferred pick-up location. Please note, that waiting periods may occur.

E-Books can be recognized by the button “full text” and the note “e-book” in the list of search results. The button links to the text of the e-book. Please report dysfunctional links to us. University members can access e-books on and off campus. The access to Amadeus from outside campus is not possible due to licensing restrictions.

For accessing digital contents with your electronic devices on campus, set up eduroam; for access from outside campus, install the appropriate VPN/Proxy or Shibboleth.

If the item you are looking for is not available from our collection, you can suggest its purchase or initiate an interlibrary loan.

Bayreuth University Library Catalogue

In the first tab “Catalogues” search results for books, journals, CD-ROMs, DVDs, micro formats, maps and online media like e-books or e-journals are shown. They are available at Bayreuth University Library including all departmental libraries. Use the filters on the right side of the search result list to narrow your results according to format, e.g. “Journal”.

Results for journal articles are displayed in the second tab "Articles & more".

You can find tips for doing your literature search in the integrated help-function of the Catalogue and our website "Doing your literature search".

For further information about the functions of the Catalogue, e.g. how to create a "bookmark-list", please see our site “Borrowing & Ordering”.
Our Library Catalogue allows you to search the online catalogues of other German libraries.

In order to do this and to order items from their collections, use the link “expand search (ILL available)” in the upper right corner of the Catalogue. You can find information about interlibrary loan on this website.