Historic collection
Bayreuth University Library houses manuscripts and old prints from various historic book collections:
About 10,000 volumes were once part of the library of the Bayreuth Margravian chancery which was founded in 1735.
Manuscripts of the library of the Bayreuth Margravian chancery
Digitised volumes from the library of the Bayreuth Margravian chancery
Selected volumes:
Redwitzische Hauß-Chronica
About 12,500 volumes as well as more than 32,000 school reports were formerly part of the library of the grammar school Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum.
Manuscripts of the Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum
Digitised manuscripts from the collection of the Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum
Selected volumes:
Breviarium novae ecclesiae collegiatae ad Sanctam Crucem Coloniae ad Suevum
Die Verliebte Fiammetta Des Giovanni Boccaccio
The Historical Society for Upper Franconia has permanently loaned its library to Bayreuth University Library. This collections contains a number of volumes which are significant for local history.
Mansucripts of the Historical Society
Digitised mansucripts from the library of the Historical Society
Selected volumes:
Digitised writings of Wilhelmine Vogel
Digitised manuscripts of Johann Sebastian König
Part of the collection of the Historical Society for Upper Franconia is the officers' library of the former Royal Bavarian 6th Chevaulegers Regiment, which has been preserved in its original condition.
Library of the former Royal Bavarian 6th Chevaulegers Regiment
Catalogue for the library of the former Royal Bavarian 6th Chevaulegers Regiment from 1904
The library of the historic Leers' orphanage is the oldest children and youth's library in Bayreuth and contains 279 volumes from the 18th and 19th century.
Library of the orphanage
The digital collection of Bayreuth University Library
Select bibliography:
Kiel, Rainer-Maria (1985): Aus den Schätzen der Kanzleibibliothek 1735 – 1985. Eine Ausstellung zum 250jährigen Gründungsjubiläum. Bayreuth, Univ.-Bibliothek.
Ders. (1985): Geschichte der Kanzleibibliothek Bayreuth 1735 – 1985. Bayreuth, Univ.-Bibliothek.
Ders. (1994): Die Bibliothek des Historischen Vereins für Oberfranken. Ausstellung in der Universitätsbibliothek (Zentralbibliothek) Bayreuth, 18. Juli bis 9. September 1994. Bayreuth, Univ.-Bibliothek.
Ders. (1997): Die Bibliothek des Leers'schen Waisenhauses. Bayreuths älteste Kinder- und Jugendbücherei. In: Archiv für Geschichte von Oberfranken, 77 (1997) S. 429-448. Bayreuth, Historischer Verein für Oberfranken.
Ders. (2004): Die Alte Bibliothek des Gymnasiums Christian-Ernestinum. Eine Ausstellung der Universitätsbibliothek Bayreuth in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum und dem Historischen Museum der Stadt Bayreuth, 27. Mai - 4.
Juli 2004. Bayreuth, Gymnasium Christian-Ernestinum.
Lamprecht, Björn (2012): Der gebildete Offizier. Eine Bestandsuntersuchung der Bibliothek des Königlich-Bayerischen 6. Chevaulegers-Regiments. Diplomarbeit, Fachhochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung und Rechtspflege in Bayern, Fachbereich
Archiv- und Bibliothekswesen, München.