Services for Members of the University

For students as well as other members of the University (academic and non-academic staff) Bayreuth University Library offers the following courses, containing

You can find the course dates for the sommer semester 2024 in our flyer.

Our services and topics:

Get to Know and Start Using Your Library

We offer you courses and training sessions in different formats. You are free to choose between a self-study course and live training sessions (either online or in person inside the library). You can register for the different training sessions using the e-learning platform Moodle. There you will also find more detailed information on individual dates.

Online or in Person Training Session "Library Essentials for Students"

Target audience: Students (primarily freshmen) and staff of Bayreuth University

Duration: approximately 60 minutes

We offer our training session "Library Essentials" in different formats: online or in person inside the library. In person training sessions include a guided tour through the Main Library. Registration for the offered dates is optional, you can register using the e-learning platform Moodle. There you will also find more detailed information on individual dates.

  • Library Essentials
  • Contents of the Training Sessions

    In our training session Library Essentials we give you an overview of the services for students and employees of the university provided by Bayreuth University Library: Which libraries consitute Bayreuth University Library? How do I log into my library account? Which media does Bayreuth University Library offer and how do I find what I am looking for? For how long can I borrow different items? How does my library account work? How can I access digital media? How can I access items from other libraries?


      - Online: Friday, 5th April 2024, 10 am (registration optional)
      - Face-to-face: Tuesday, 16th April 2024, 3 pm (registration optional)
      - Online: Wednesday, 22nd May 2024, 3 pm (registration optional)

For groups of three or more, we will gladly arrange individual dates with you. Feel free to contact us:

Alternatives to Live Training Sessions

  • Self-study courses are compilations of online learning materials with which you can study the contents of a course yourself, so that you can decide on the time and place you want to work through the materials. You can either use our self-study courses as additional information to our live sessions or as an alternative to them.
    The self-study course "Library Essentials - An Introduction to Bayreuth University Library (self-study)" gives an overview of the services for students provided by Bayreuth University Library. It focuses on library research and access to digital library contents. The self-study course "Library Essentials - An Introduction for Students and Staff of the Faculty of Life Sciences: Food, Nutrition & Health (self-study)" gives the same overview, but this course teaches both basic library knowledge as well as advanced knowledge, specifically designed for the particular requirements of the Faculty of Life Sciences (location Kulmbach).
    Self-study courses are available on Moodle, the e-learning platform of the University of Bayreuth. You can register with your bt-ID.
  • We also offer various (German only) video tutorials. You can check them out here.

Short Guided Tours Through the Libraries

Target audience: Students (primarily freshmen) and staff of Bayreuth University

Duration: approximately 15-20 minutes

Individual libraries of Bayreuth University Library offer short guided tours (15-20 minutes) for you to get to know the different localities as well as to answer your questions concerning the libraries.

Contents of Guided Tours

Where and how can I print, copy or scan? Where do I find a workstation? Where do I find the literature of interest to me and how do I borrow items from the library?
We advise you to participate in the training session "Library Essentials for Students" (see above) or to complete the self-study course of the same name, so that you can learn the basics of shelfmarks, the library catalogue, library account and how to access digital media beforehand. The training sessions are either held as online or in person sessions, the in person session include short guided tours through the Main Library.


Feel free to schedule a date with the staff in the library in question (starting with 5 people) or contact us via mail at:
If you would like to include a library course or guided tour through a library into your own course schedule, feel free to contact us:

Researching and Obtaining Scientific Information

Online or in Person Workshop "Search Smarter, Not Harder: Learning to Research Successfully"

Target audience: Bachelor students of all disciplines, currently writing a research paper of any kind

Duration: appr. two hours

Contents of the Workshop

In this workshop we will give you tips on how to search for literature in a structured and efficient way as well as on how to find relevant sources for your research topic. You will work out search terms for your topic, get to know interdisciplinary search strategies and you will learn how to structure your research process efficiently. Additionally, we will also show you how to obtain the sources found. Furthermore, you will get to know two different databases (Business Source Premier, JSTOR).

This workshop includes exercises to deepen your understanding of the topics discussed. You are welcome to bring your own examples.
We advise you to participate in the training session "Library Essentials for Students" (see above) or to complete the self-study course of the same name, so that you can learn the basics of shelfmarks, the library catalogue, library account and how to access digital media beforehand.


We offer the workshop "Search Smarter, Not Harder: Learning to Research Successfully" both online (via Zoom) and in person (in the Main Library). Please register for dates using the e-learning platform Moodle. There you will also find more detailed information on the individual dates.

Dates summer term 2024:
    - Face-to-Face: Tuesday, 08th July 2024, 3 pm (s.t.) (registration deadline: 8th July 2024, 10 am)

For groups of three or more, we will gladly arrange individual dates with you. Feel free to contact us:

Alternatives to Live Workshops

We offer various video tutorials (German only) that deal with searching for and obtaining scientific literature/information. You can check them out here.

Individual Consultation

Target audience: anyone currently working on or preparing to work on a scientific paper of any kind

Duration: up to 60 minutes

Contents of an Individual Consultation

Are you looking for literature for your paper, bachelor's or master's thesis? Are you unsure which databases are suitable for your research or would you like to improve your search strategy? Do you need individual support with your literature research on a specific topic?
We help you optimize your search strategy (finding search terms, combining different search terms and choosing suitable search fields) or assess with you which search tools other than the UB Catalogue might be of help as well. Additionally we will gladly answer your questions concerning how to obtain literature.
Please note that we cannot give you concrete recommendations for literature or any reviews of found literature. For questions concerning your scientific methodology please consider turning to your academic advisor or the Writing Center of Bayreuth University.


You are welcome to choose a free individual consultation session either to be held online via MS Teams or in person in the Main Library. You can find more information here.
If you would like to include a library course into your own course schedule, feel free to contact us:

Reference Management

Online Workshop "Reference Management with Citavi - an Introduction"

Target audience: students of all disciplines and semesters and employees without or with only minor knowledge of Citavi

Duration: approximately 90 minutes

Contents of the Workshop

In the workshop "Reference Management with Citavi - an Introduction", we will give you an overview of Citavi's functions and show you how to use Citavi to edit your scientific work. You will learn how to include bibliographic information in Citavi and what options there are for using those in bibliographies and as references in papers. Citavi is currently only available for Windows. The University offers all its members access to a free of charge campus licence for Citavi. More information and help installing Citavi can be found here.


The workshop "Reference Management with Citavi - an Introduction" takes place online via Zoom. Please register for an individual date via the e-learning platform Moodle. There you will also find more detailed information on the individual dates.

Dates summer term 2024:
    - Online: Wednesday, 26th June 2024, 4 pm (s.t.) (registration deadline: 25th June 2024)

For groups of three or more, we will gladly arrange individual dates with you. Feel free to contact us:

Alternatives to Live Workshops

Additionally to the workshops offered, you can check out some of Citavi's video tutorials (only available in German).

Citavi Consultation

You can always contact the Citavi support team of Bayreuth University Library via email:
Email the Library's Citavi Support Team

Online Workshop "Reference Management with Zotero - an Introduction"

Target audience: students of all disciplines and semesters and employees without or with only minor knowledge of Zotero

Duration: approximately 90 minutes

Contents of the Workshop

Zotero is a free open source reference management tool, which helps to keep track of researched and assessed literature when writing scientific theses. Zotero also facilitates citing considerably. It can be used for the operating systems Windows, Mac OS and Linux and is also suitable for collaborative projects.
In this workshop, we will give you an overview of its functions and show you how to use Zotero to edit your scientific work. You will learn how to include bibliographic information in Zotero and what options there are for using those in bibliographies and as references in papers.


The workshop "Reference Management with Zotero - an Introduction" takes place online via Zoom. Please register for an individual date via the e-learning platform Moodle. There you will also find more detailed information on the individual dates.

Dates summer term 2024:
    - Online: Wednesday, 5th June 2024, 3 pm (s.t.) (registration deadline: 4th June 2024)
    - Online: Wednesday, 3rd July 2024, 3 pm (s.t.) (registration deadline: 2nd July 2024)

For groups of three or more, we will gladly arrange individual dates with you. Feel free to contact us:

Zotero Consultation

Additionally to the workshops on Zotero, Bayreuth University Library also offers individual Zotero consultations. You can schedule an individual Zotero consulation (to be held either online or in person in the library) here.

You can of course also always contact the Zotero support team of Bayreuth University Library via email:
Email the Library's Zotero Support Team

If you would like to include a library course into your own course schedule, feel free to contact us:

Publishing and Visibility of Research

Courses in Cooperation with the Graduate School

In cooperation with the Graduate School, Bayreuth University Library regularly offers various courses (online or in person) for doctorates and postdocs of the university. You can find the individual dates on the webpages of the Graduate School. This is also where you can register for said courses.

Target audience: doctorades and postdocs of the university

Duration: approximately 120 minutes each

  • Research Visibility
  • Contents of the Course

    In this course we inform you about bibliometrics and address its possibilities and limitations. We will present different metrics (h-index, journal impact factor, Cite Score, alternative metrics) and show how to calculate these bibliometric indicators. Furthermore, we will introduce you to unique author identification (e.g. Web of Science ResearcherID, Scopus ID, ORCID iD).
  • Research Data Management ​
  • Contents of the Course

    Various institutions of Bayreuth University collaborate to offer this course: the IT service centre, Bayreuth University Library and the Office of Research Support. It targets participants that want to get an overview about the different aspects of research data management (managing digital data, fair data, standards for metadata, publishing research data, licences, expectations of funders).
  • Open Access Publishing of Preprints, Articles and Dissertations at the University of Bayreuth
  • Contents of the Course

    In this course we inform you about Open Access and its current developments (predatory publishing, rules and regulations stated by publishers concerning secondary publishing, DEAL contracts, Plan-S) as well as about the possibilities for publishing Bayreuth University offers (EPUB Bayreuth, Open Access – Open Science, ways of publishing Open Access, funding your publications).


Bayreuth University Library also offers individual consultations concerning research support. You can find the specific contact details and persons on the following webpages:


In case of special interests and individual appointments for training courses or workshops please feel free to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!
Katharina Lehner, Tel. 0921 / 553451
Magdalena Rausch, Tel. 0921 / 553427
Teaching Library team of Bayreuth University Library